Is Your Home Ready for Winter?

Check these items now to get energy Star Homedy for winter weather.

Test Detectors – Test all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home. Replace batteries if necessary.

Check for Air Leaks – Insulate windows with weather stripping or clear shrink-film covers.

Clean & Shine – Dust blinds and curtains and wash windows. Check for proper operation.

Service the Furnace – Have your furnace checked. Get a new filter. Filters should be replaced about once a month.

Bright Ideas

1.Replace old bulbs with compact fluorescents. Compared to incandescent bulbs, CFLs use as much as 75% less energy.
2. Add task lighting to your most-used work spaces so you don’t have to light the entire room.
3. Use a dimmer. It can change a room’s look and save money on energy use.

How Much Will I Save?

Want to lower your electric bill? Consider replacing an old appliance.
Here’s about how much you will save by purchasing an Energy Star appliance.
  • $40 What a dishwasher could save you each year compared to a model built before 1994
  • $50 Potential annual savings from an Energy Star washer vs. a not-qualified same-size washer
  • $60 How much a side-by-side Energy Star fridge could save each year compared to a pre-2000 model
  • $94 In cold climates, amount an Energy Star furnace could save per year vs. a new standard furnace

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